Showing posts with label paid ministry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label paid ministry. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Off Topic

My girlfriend and I were talking last night, and she said that I should start an on-line church. 'Tithing' would unlock spiritual messages and so forth. She said it would be a shame to waste 20+ years of religion I had, and that even during economically troubling times churches still do well.
I said, If there were a hell that would totally qualify me to go there.
She said, If there is a hell you are already qualified to go there!
Church for money, now there's a concept I didn't realize was tied to my Mormon roots. But turns out of course like everything that makes me cringe a little, that it's tied to the Mos. Of course if you're a Mo, you will most likely serve the church your whole life and you will have  done it for free. Unless of course you're deemed righteously 'lucky' enough to become an apostle. In that case you are given a living stipend. Does anyone know how much they actually make? I feel like I knew at one time, but can't seem to put my finger on it and don't feel like poking around the internet.
Anyway, I seriously doubt I'm going to become an on-line pastor although 'Pastor Jack' does have a nice ring to it. I'm more about words and less about pizzazz and I feel like you really have to sell people there religion. Words alone aren't enough to get them to 'feel' anything. So I think I'll just stick with bitching about having once been Mormon.